30 August 2012

I’m baaaaaaaaaaack!

Wow, it’s been an amazing summer. God has been (and continues to be) so good and I learned so much on my local mission trip in Santa Monica. If you want to read about it, click here.

Going back to school I knew this semester was going to be CRAY-ZEE. I’m taking one of the hardest film production courses. I’m talking late night classes, filming on the weekends, scouting locations, casting actors, etc. It’s all one big hot mess, but it’s exciting. And you’ll be pleased to know that my film is about FOOD. THAT’S RIGHT!!! That’s one thing I’m super amped about. My protagonist is a baker who tries to win over her love’s affections through her baking (I swear this isn’t based off my life). Now, coming back to USC, you know I had to get my hands messy with some flour. I haven’t baked for two months (I made Oreo truffles, but that isn’t real baking… no oven required), so I’ve been itching to bake. ITCHING.

If all y’all didn’t know by now, I’m part of a Christian fellowship on campus called Cru (aka Campus Crusade for Christ). We had a leadership meeting about a week ago and I decided to show up with cinnamon roll cookies. I’ve never made cinnamon rolls or cookies in this roll fashion, so it was a fun challenge. It came out well and one of my friends had five or more that night. I would say that they were a success. =P I also had some at home and ate them for breakfast occasionally. They’re like cinnamon rolls, but denser. I recommend microwaving them for like 30 seconds (if you refrigerated them overnight) if you want to eat them for breakfast. I also made dark chocolate banana banana bread (that’s right! TWO bananas. It’s that banana-y. All this banana talk makes me want to rewatch the Despicable Me banana short with minions! And I just realized that I’ve posted that before. Oh wells, no hurt in watching it again!). That was gone real soon. I just felt sooo good baking again.

And onto something not baked! So a little unknown fact about me: I don’t like to cook meat. In fact, I want my future-husband to be great at cooking meat—it’s an actual quality I’m looking for. You could kill someone this undercooked meat! So I tend to shy away from it and overcooked meat is just unpleasant. However, thanks too good ol’ Gordon Ramsay, I learned a thing or two about cooking meat this summer. If you haven’t watched it yet, go watch ‘The F Word.’ It’s currently free on Hulu and a great show. I use to have problems cooking chicken ‘cause it would get too dry. Or even when the outside looked all golden, the inside was still raw. From watching the master (not a pun to the show ‘MasterChef,’ which is a great show by the way), I learned to first season chicken (just simple salt and pepper will do) and then place it into a hot pan of olive oil skin down first. I use to put butter right away into the pan, but you’re not suppose to do that later ‘cause the butter burns faster. So after cooking the skin side until it’s golden and crispy, flip it over and do the same to the other side. When the non-skin side is cooking, generously place butter on top of the chicken. To add flavor, I mixed minced garlic and basil in my butter. As the butter sits on top of the skin, it will slowly melt and slide to the bottom. You want to occasionally tip the pan and spoon the butter back to the top of the chicken. After the chicken is gold all around, place it in the oven at about 400 degrees for 20 minutes. Voila! The chicken will come out crispy and juicy. So proud of myself!

Sadly, I won’t be able to food blog as much as I’d like this semester ‘cause of all the film production madness, but I’ll try to update you time to time. I’d love to show my film production pictures eventually as well! And, I’m planning on studying abroad in London next Spring, so that will bring exciting food adventures! So much is going to happen this year and I can’t wait to share it with you!