06 September 2011

"I love you"

It’s been a few months since the birth of my food vlog idea—exploring Los Angeles’ eateries and reviewing them via film. I came up with Chugga Chugga Chew Chew (yep, I’m adding extra g’s after being told by my roommate it looked like “choo-ga choo-ga”) when I was on the verge of insanity from studying for my finals. Without a car and film camera (which, I swear, I’ve been meaning to buy) this vlog isn’t going anywhere. BUT! I have been cooking! So I don’t have the means to drive all over LA every weekend to rate restaurants, but cooking is just as good and even more rewarding. The thing is food isn’t just about eating to satisfy the gurgling monster within (who won’t shut up when it’s awkwardly quiet in your class… anyone?). Food is about using every God-given sense and thoroughly enjoying something that sustains you and brings happiness. But (I apologize for using “but” so excessively) most importantly: food is about bringing people to together. That’s why I cook. Food is a way I serve others and show my appreciation and love. So whenever you’re eating my food, I’m trying to tell you, “I love you.” Cheesy? Yes. But so true, and who doesn’t like some cheese now and then? Here’s some grub I’ve had a pleasure of making this year (sadly, not everything I made has been photographed. I made a mean lemon chicken last night…). If you want the recipes, I can look them up for you. I got most, if not all, of my recipes from punchfork.com, who is currently my best friend. Oh, and every dish has turned out pretty well. I’ll let you know if something is a total fail.

Just to note, I have a very weird writing style. I’m a bit scatterbrained so I like to say whatever comes to my mind. Oh, and I try to be funny—I have a sarcastic sense of humor, so don’t take anything too seriously! Feel free not to laugh. Or rather, laugh at me. I’m good either way.

I will start the LA restaurant vlogs soon though. Feel free to comment and give me any suggestions, whether it be places I should visit or topics you want me to cover. I’m already planning a boba episode! 


My awesome roommate reminded me that I already created a logo for the site that has the words “chuga chuga” in it… so if I were to add g’s, I would have to remake my logo. So, be as it may, CHOO-GA CHOO-GA is here to stay. If it really bothers me… we’ll see. I like my gold toothed friend on the left. Oh, and for those who are totally lost right now. My blog is pronounced "chug-gah chug-gah chew chew." Please tell me you get the pun...